A web log, also known as a blog, is another example of a powerful Web 2.0 teaching and learning tool. I’ve been reading blogs for the past several years and have discovered that there are blogs that fill virtually every niche. The ability to publish effortlessly, at little or no cost, has certainly contributed to recent interest in creating blogs. Blog readers are often treated to topical postings which frequently include multimedia, comments, and links to similar sites.

Although I have not used blogs with my students, I see several benefits to using them. First, students should be aware of the potential world-wide audience when blogging. Ideally, students integrate a high degree of excellence into their web work, and hopefully, this excellence transfers into their daily lives. Second, blogs are authentic projects which give students both a voice and recognition. Blogs may also serve to promote critical thinking, collaboration, and reflection. While I am skeptical of my own ability to manage the large amount of blog content, I look forward to having my students blog within this school year.
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